Conference Presentation & Poster Abstracts

40th Annual STSW Conference - 2025 - Loews Portofino Bay Hotel - Orlando, Florida

October 13th-October 16th

Abstract Applications will be be open from January 8th - March 17th.

Please read all information below including the FAQs and guidelines before completing applications! 

Presentation Abstract Application

Individual Abstract Application

Group Abstract Application

Submission deadline - March 17th

Poster Presentation Abstract Application

Individual Abstract Application

Group Abstract Application

Submission deadline - March 17th

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Q: Should we include all individuals who worked on a research project in the application even if they cannot attend the conference?
  • A: No, please only include presenters that WILL BE ATTENDING the conference in the application.
  • Q: If there is more than one presenter, should we each fill out an individual application?
  • A: No, groups will fill out an application together.  This means that information and documents for each member of the group will need to be gathered and submitted as part of the application at the same time.
  • Q: Must I answer every question?
    A: A red asterisk indicates a required answer.  In order to more forward a section and complete the application you will be required to answer all questions with a red asterisk next to it.
  • Q: Can I do the part of the application now and finish later or upload the required documents later?
    The application, including uploading of documents, should be completed in one sitting.  Some browsers may offer the option to resume an application if it has been closed before being finished but not all browsers may offer this option so it is highly recommend that you complete the application in one sitting.
  • Q: What information will I need as part of the application?
    A: Information needed to complete the form includes: presentation title, abstract (copy and paste), learning objectives, ethical standards if applicable, demographic information, biography (copy and paste), CV/resume (upload) and photo (upload) for all presenters.
  • Q: When and how do I submit my presentation documents?
    A: Presentation documents (power point or google slides) will need to be submitted by September 30, 2022.  A short synopsis of your presentation will also be required at that time.  Instructions on how submit these documents will be sent out a couple of months prior to the due date.
  • Q: Will I be reimbursed for travel or registration since I am presenting?
    A: Presenters whose abstracts have been chosen are not reimbursed or paid in any way for that presentation. This includes lodging, airfare, meals, etc.
  • Q: Do I need to turn in all the information on the applications right now?
    A: Yes, Each question has a purpose and all information is needed. This is to ensure your presentation will run smoothly, and we will have the required documentation to provide for the CEU application.
  • Q: Do I need to register for the conference?
    A: If you are only attending your presentation, then you do not need to register.  If you plan to attend any other presentations, you need to register and pay the conference attendance fees.

Presentation Abstract Guidelines

"Continuing education events for social workers should clearly relate to social work practice, theory, and methodology; to the level of social work education; to social policy; or to administration, planning, and research related to human services. As a guide for participation, learning objectives and content designed to meet those objectives should be specified for each event. The way in which the content will meet the learning needs of social workers also should be made clear". -National Association of Social Workers

Presentation Abstract Formats:

Research Abstract Format

Abstracts must be about investigations already completed or with at least substantial findings at the time of the presentation and not just research proposals.

Abstract format - organize the body of the abstract into four distinct sections:

  1. PURPOSE: State the problem or idea to be discussed.
  2. METHOD: Briefly describe the manner in which the study or problem was investigated.
  3. RESULTS: Briefly describe findings.
  4. CONCLUSION: State conclusion or solutions to problems or ideas. Evaluate the relevance of this study to other persons involved in transplantation.

Case Study Format

When using a case study, please keep in mind the learning objectives of the attendee.  The focus of the case study should be about learning versus storytelling.

  1. PATIENT/CASE PROFILE: Pertinent patient/case demographics (age/gender/race, etc.); a brief history of the current clinical/procurement/hospital development situation or problem.
  2. DISCUSSION: A concise presentation of clinical or strategic management of the case that describes the flow of events.
  3. SUMMARY: Outcome of the situation (positive and negative); application of knowledge gained from the problem or situation. For a case study presentation, please also include how your particular case study is applicable to the field of transplant social work or how it will enhance our practice.
  4. REFERENCES: Supporting original research of previous case study references should be included with the full manuscript but not the overview.

Additional information on case study presentation -

Clinical Practice Format

  1. INTRODUCTION: Describe service area (e.g. population demographics, size, type, number of referrals/donors, consent rate/donation rate, etc.). Brief history and background of situation or problem.
  2. DISCUSSION: A concise description of how situation or problem was addressed. What clinical techniques were applied?
  3. SUMMARY: Outcome of the situation, positive and negative. Application of knowledge gained from problem or situation.
  4. REFERENCES: Supporting research should be included with the syllabus submission.

Poster Abstract Guidelines

Poster Abstract Format:

  • TITLE: project title
  • AUTHORS: your name, names of collaborators, institutions
  • PURPOSE (or OBJECTIVE or INTRODUCTION): State the problem or idea to be discussed
  • METHODS: Briefly describe the manner in which the study or problem was investigated
  • RESULTS OR FINDINGS: Briefly describe findings.
  • SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS: State conclusion or solutions to problems or ideas. Evaluate the relevance of this study to other persons involved in transplantation

If your poster is selected, you will be asked to review the Poster Presentation Guidelines for information on how to create your poster.  Consider using or a similar service to print your poster.  We will supply a board and materials to display the poster on site.

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