Bronze Exhibitor


    • STSW Website will highlight your company for a year
      • Company logo placed on STSW website honoring the bronze exhibitor level.

    • STSW Conference Website Information
      • Provide an overview of your organization (up to 1000 words) with logo
      • 6x30" skirted table with two chair located outside the main conference room
        • Set up starting on Monday morning of the conference.
        • Materials for your table can be shipped to the hotel at your expense.  Arrangements need to be made at least one week ahead of time.
      • Registration for the conference for up to 2 representatives and participation in all meals and snacks with the exception of our business meeting that is offered to STSW members only
        • Additional representatives will need to pay a registration fee of $300 to participate in snacks and meals
        • Any representative attending the conference for CEUs will need to pay the full registration fees

        Exhibitor Payment

        PAY BY CHECK

        Please mail a check for $2500 made out to "Society of Transplant Social Workers" to our Treasurer:

        Chrissi White

        2415 North Orange Ave Suite 700

        Orlando, FL 32804

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